25G SFP28

25G SFP28 optical modules include SFP28 AOC、SFP28 SR、SFP28 IR、SFP28 LR and other products. The product uses the MPO or LC interface, compatible with IEEE802.3by and SFF-8472 standards, with low power consumption, small volume, high rate. Mainly used in 5G networks, data centers, fiber channels, 25G Ethernet and other environments. Optical modules can be adapted to HUAWEI、H3C、CISCO、Alcatel-lucent、Juniper and other devices.

    Product Features

    ● Up to 25Gb/s data links
    ● 1310nm DFB laser and PIN/APD receiver
    ● Support Digital Diagnostic Monitoring interface
    ● Cost effective SFP28 solution, enables higher port densities and greater bandwidth
    ● 2-wire interface for management specifications compliant with SFF 8472 digital diagnostic monitoring interface for optical transceivers
    ● Electrically hot-pluggable
    ● Metal enclosure, for lower EMI
    ● Meet ESD requirements ,resist 8KV direct contact voltage
    ● RoHS-6 compliant and lead-free
    ● Single +3.3V power supply
    ● Case operating temperature : 0°C to +70°C/ -40°C to +85°C

    Ordering Information

    P/N Product Description Date Rate Reach Wavelength Transmitter Receiver Power Consumption Temperature(deg C) Date Sheet
    SLSX-FL1R2C SFP28 SR 25Gb/s 100m 850nm VCSEL PIN <1.0W 0~+70°C
    SLSX-FL311C SFP28 LR 25Gb/s 10km 1310nm DFB PIN <1.5W 0~+70°C
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